Opening and Closings

Opening the pool includes taking the cover off, cleaning and folding it. Opening up all the lines, getting antifreeze out of the lines. Putting on all the return jets, pluf and pieces to the pump, along with getting the lines and filter primed and the pump running.

Closing involves blowing out all the pool lines, adding antifreeze and capping all return lines. Putting the cover on, taking plugs and pieces off the pump and filter and allowing it to drain.

We don't have any deadlines for when you can open and close your pool, reach out to us year round. We recommend closing the pool before it gets below freezing to avoid damaging the equipment, it's always smarter to close early than risk paying for the repairs!

Dirty Deck

Schedule your closing or opening today!

You can reach out to us here with any questions and concerns you have, or set up an appointment.

Copyright 2021 Clarksville Pool Cleaning. Designed By Ashtin Evans